16日8:30开幕式 地点:珞珈山庄会议室 |
主题一:多元视角下的跨文化传播 |
1、约翰·贝利:移民,文化涵化与文化适应 2、黄旦:文化的历史际会:发明现代报刊——跨文化视野中的中国第一份中文期刊 3、冯应谦:中国的文化创意产业集群的发展和模式 4、克利福德•克里斯琴斯:多元文化世界里的人性尊严之伦理学 5、科林•斯巴克斯:中国,软实力与金砖国家 |
主题二:文化冲突与政治经济学 |
1、冯建三:传播拉丁美洲社会主义:委内瑞拉的作用 2、拉马斯拉米•哈林德耐斯:跨国庶民,媒介话语与文化冲突:一种对全球难民和国家主权政治的考察 3、姜明求:一个新的文化熔炉即将来临?中国观众对外国戏剧的接受研究 4、姜飞:跨文化传播哲学视野下软“软实力”概念的提出、建构与意义 5、苏迦士:斯里兰卡中资公司里的中国工人之跨文化关系研究 |
主题三:大众媒介、新媒体与跨文化传播 |
1、赵明德:网络暴力、起底和聊天室喷火器:香港网络道德恐慌的社会建构 2、邱林川:工人阶级公共领域中的冲突与共识:大众传媒,激进主义与反富士康运动 3、姚曦:国际品牌的跨文化传播模式探析:基于文化冲突的视角 4、闫岩:传统媒体:发声于微博时代——以韩亚空难为例谈中美微博平台中的议程设置 |
主题四:社会、文化与跨文化传播 |
1、洪浚浩:东西方文化在传媒理念上的差异、误解与冲突 2、科林·沃德:超越文化休克:跨文化转型与变迁的适应 3、孙玮:跨文化传播研究三题——一个后结构主义的视角 4、那迪:武汉地区受访者对穆斯林的认知:中国的跨文化敏感性含义 |
主题五:教育、语言与文化冲突 |
1、科尼利厄斯·普拉特:加强武汉地区高校中国际学生与中国教师之间的教学传播:一种概念框架 2、简•杰克逊:国际教育中的跨文化人际冲突 3、肖珺:新技术与跨文化传播:理论脉络与现实困境 4、纪莉:口音即身份:“春晚”三十年小品节目中的口音歧视与文化身份建构 |
主题六:跨文化传播的理论构想 |
1、陈龄慧:东方易理哲学与西方文明:由西斯汀教堂谈起 2、魏光莒:塔可夫斯基的两部作品: 谈“真理”及其本体论上的消解 3、严三九:中国文化“和谐”价值理念及其国际传播路径探析 4、赵雅丽:意义活动--跨文化传播研究的初探性分析模型 |
主题七:想象的他者 |
1、于格•欧梯也:从伊斯兰面纱到“费曼”——作为传播的身体 2、关世杰:跨文化交流中的共享价值观初探 3、大卫·卡龙:所有人的李小龙?不入流的电影类型以及引述的乐趣 4、简斯·阿尔伍德:文化转型:瑞典三个移民群体的文化转型和行为实践 |
闭幕式 会议召集人单波教授致闭幕词及会议总结 |
8:30am, Saturday, Nov. 16 Opening Ceremony Conference Hall in Luo Jia Shan Zhuang |
Keynote Speeches I Intercultural Communication through Diverse Approaches |
1、John Berry: Immigration, Acculturation and Adaptation 2、Dan Huang:Cultural Historical Opportunity: The Invention of Modern Press——An Intercultural Perspective on the First Chinese Periodical in China 3、Anthony Fung: Development and Patterns of Cultural Creative Industry Clusters in China 4、Clifford. G. Christians: The Ethics of Human Dignity in A Multicultural World 5、Colin Sparks: China, Soft Power and the BRICS |
Keynote Speeches Ⅱ Cultural Conflict and Political Economy |
1、Chien-San Feng:Communicating Latin American Socialism: Venezuela’s intervention 2、Ramaswami Harindranath: Transnational Subalterns, Media Discourse and Cultural Conflict: An Examination of the Politics of Global Refugees and National Sovereignty 3、Kang Myungkoo: Is A New Cultural Melting Pot Coming? Reception of Foreign Dramas by Chinese Audiences 4、Fei Jiang: On the exploration of the concept of SOFT Soft-Power and its construction and Significance in the Perspective of Trans-cultural Communication Philosophy 5、Sugath Senarath: Intercultural Relationships of Chinese Workers at Chinese-Owned Companies in Sri Lanka |
Keynote Speeches Ⅲ Mass Media, New Media and Intercultural Communication |
1、Matthew M. Chew: Cyberbullies, Qidi, and Flamers: the Social Construction of an Internet Moral Panic in Hong Kong 2、Jack Linchuan Qiu: Conflict and Consensus in Working-Class Public Spheres: Mass Media, Activism, and Anti-Foxconn Campaign 3、Xi Yao: Analysis on the Intercultural Communication Models of International Brands: From the Perspective of Cultural Conflict 4、Yan Yan: Traditional Media: Speak Out in the Micro-Blog Age--A Content Analysis of the Agenda Setting Effect in Micro-Blogs between the U.S. and China |
Keynote Speeches Ⅳ Society, Culture and Intercultural Communication |
1、Junhao Hong: Differences, Misunderstandings, and Conflicts on the Perception of Media between Oriental and Western cultures 2、Colleen Ward: Beyond Culture Shock: Adapting to Cross-cultural Transition and Change 3、Wei Sun: Three Questions in Intercultural Communication Studies——A Post Structuralism Perspective 4、Nadeem Akhtar: Wuhan-Area Respondents’ Perceptions of Muslims: Implications for Intercultural Sensitivity in China |
Keynote Speeches Ⅴ Education, Language and Cultural Conflict |
1、Cornelius B. Pratt: A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing Instructional Communication Between International Students and Their Chinese Professors in Wuhan-area Universities 2、Jane Jackson: Intercultural Interpersonal Conflict in International Education 3、Jun Xiao:New Technology and Intercultural Communication: Theoretical Sequence and Realistic difficulties 4、Li Ji:Accent is identity:Accent discrimination and the construction of cultural identity in Chinese comedy shows of Chinese Spring Festival Gala in 30 years |
Keynote Speeches Ⅵ Theoretical Construction in Intercultural Communication |
1、Linhui Chen:Eastern Philosophy of I-ching and Western Civilization: From the Example of the Sistine Chapel 2、Guangju Wei:Truth and its Ontological Destabilization and Liberation: On Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” 3、Sanjiu Yan: Research on the "Harmony" Conception of Chinese Culture Andits International Communication 4、Yali Zhao:Meaning Activity——The Exploratory Analysis Model for Intercultural Communication Studies |
Keynote Speeches Ⅶ The Other in Imagination |
1、Hugues Hotier: From the Islamic Veil to the "Femen" - the body that communicates 2、Shijie Guan: On the Shared Values in Intercultural Communication 3、David Caron: Bruce Lee for All? Discredited Genres and the Pleasures of Citation 4、Jens Allwood: Cultural change: transformation of cultural values and behavioral practices among three migrant groups in Sweden |
Closing Ceremony Bo Shan: Conclusion Remarks |
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