单波 罗慧
关键词:李普曼 理性主义 公众舆论 传播权利
Rational Control and Disillusioned Salvation: Interpretation of the
Values and Predicaments of Lippmann's Theory in Mass Communication
Abstract: This essay tries to re-understand the value and predicament of Lippmann's theory in Mass Communication in the sight of rationalism. Rather than shunning the irrational appearances of human and following the conventions or veranda, the values of his theory are obeying the fact and truth and arousing people's consciousness of themselves as individuals. However, the underlying blind spots of his theory are also obvious. As exaggerating public's lack of ration and ignoring the inner limitations of rattan, Lippmann’s theory falls into the illusions which lead by science. Therefore, the only possibility of surpassing his theory requires of returning to the concept of "complete person and getting rid of simply dividing human being into rational and irrational. And the spiritual of “rational control" are presenting truths and facts to the public, providing various possibilities of discussing public interest and respecting everyone's right of communication.
Key Words: Lippmann rationalism public opinion right of communication
石义彬 张卓
内容提要:“创新新闻学”这一个概念在2003年由物理学博士大卫·洛德福斯(David Nordfors)提出,他曾就职于瑞典最大的IT杂志,2003年6月瑞典创新署(Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems VINNOVA)设立创新新闻基金,大卫·洛德福斯项目出任,创新新闻学,简言之,即“报到创新的新闻学”(journalism covering innovation)。其关注的焦点是新闻学如何在社会创新过程中发挥积极重要的作用,以及新闻学教育如何突出创新的原则。本论文将就创新新闻学的概念、主要观点、理论渊源以及研究现状作简要分析。
关键词:创新系统 创新新闻学 技术 市场
The Concept and Theoretical Sources of the Innovation Journalism
Abstract: The concept "Innovation Journalism" is suggested by Dr. David Nordfors, who worked for one of the biggest IT magazine in
Key Words: innovation system innovation journalism technology market
关键词:形象学 新闻真实性 新闻客观性
On the reality or the objectivity of news
Abstract: This paper tries to rerealize the traditional proposition--the reality thoughtway of Phenomenology. In this paper," the reality of news" on Epistemology should not become the problem which the Journalism discusses, and also not the aim which journalists and news media pursue. Contrarily, "the objectivity of news" should be the pursuit aim. And this is significant. "The reality of news" on the traditional sense, focuses on the relationship of "events' and "reports", which means that there is uncertain "identity' between the two sides. However, "the objectivity of news" on Phenomenology emphasizes the relationship between the "journalists" and "reports", which means that there is "identity" between them. What is called "the objectivity of news", is "journalists" guarantee not to lie, but not guarantee the "identity" between "events" and "reports"
Key Words: Phenomenology the reality of news and the objectivity of news
姜 红
关键词:订制信息 本真传播 良知的呼唤 诗性传播 非本真传播
Discovery of Heidegger's Communication Thought
Abstract: According to the fundamental ontology of pre-Heidegger and the thinking of poetry of post-Heidegger, this article aims to the unique communication thought of a existentialism master in the 20th century, Heidegger. He thinks the common communication," gossiping" as well as the technicalization communication, "ordering information" are all untruths. On the contrary, "calling of the conscience" as well as" communicating of the poetry" belong to the communications of truths. For the present, by means of altering communication symbols, human being can change our existences.
Key Words: calling of the conscience communicating of the poetry ordering information the communication of truth the communication of untruth
关键词:传媒 权力 葛兰西 福柯 伯明翰学派
Media Power
——An Investigation of the" Media Power" in Several Western Scholar' s Theories
Abstract: This paper tries to investigate the "power" and the "media power" by looking through several western scholars' theories. The research emphases the academic background of these scholars and find out the similarities and differences among them. Especially based on Gramsci's "hegemony'' and Foucault's "discourse", the paper tries to trace the root of media power. Furthermore, the
Key Words:
关键词:开元条报 “新闻的自觉“ 新闻信息需求量 帝国传播
Viewpoints of the Activities of Ancient
Abstract: This paper evaluates the current conditions of Chinese ancient news communication and proposes the reasons of the relative research. There are three parts of this paper. In the first part, it says that the earliest official paper did not occur in Tang Dynasty, nor late than Kaiyuan period of Tang Dynasty, its name is "Kaiyuan Tiao Bao" instead of "Kaiyuan Za Bao". The second part analyses that news communication and "the consciousness of news" began at Song Dynasty. The third part is the comments on the Chinese ancient news communication. The final research result is that the recent media could not develop without the outer force.
Key words: Kaiyuan Tiao Bao "The consciousness of news" The need of news information Imperial Communication
李卓钧 李国平
关键词:大公报 1942年河南大灾荒 新闻封锁
《 Ta Kung Pao》in 1942' s Big Drought of Henan
Abstract: The Big drought of
Key Words: Ta Kung Pao Famine of
关键词:英国 公共广播 美国 商业广播
The Original Difference between British Broadcasting
System and American One
Abstract: The thesis probes into the origins of the difference between British broadcasting system and American one. The two countries had had something in common in such fields as political, economical and cultural system, but they have chosen a very different development path in broadcasting system. The former has chosen public service broadcasting system, the latter has done commercial one. Because the two systems were followed by the other western countries, the writing is of typical significance in academic discussion. Mainly using the literature analysis, the thesis finds that economic factor played a decisive role in the process that the two countries' broadcasting systems formed.
Key Words:
吴予敏 杜妍
关键词:德勒兹 艾柯 欲望理论 符号诠释 《玫瑰之名》
The Semiotic Presentation, Interpretation aha Production of Desires
——On Deleuze ,Eco and the Novel & Movie Name der Rose
Abstract: This paper explores the Theory of Desires and the Semiotic Theory of Gilles Deleuze and Umberto Eco to identify the academic coherences and the differences between the two theories so as to figure out their theoretical significance on modernity reflective thinking. Taking Eco's novel Name der Rose as the case, this study conducted a series of analysis on the text of the novel and later the text of the re-edited movie. The analysis attempts to decode symbolic presentation, interpretation and production of the symbols of desires in various medium.
Key Words: Gilles Deleuze Umberto Eco the Theory of Desires Semiotic hermeneutics Name<
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